I received this award from the lovely Tams over at Droplets in a rusty bucket! She has now advertised my dodgy blog and I seem to have gained some more followers who I fear will be very disappointed by the quietness that is the unchatty pig!!!
Anyway I am meant to pass this on to 7 others apparently so I am passing it onto Choccy Orange and Sylphraven and Jamtart but not sure who else to give it to! Indeed these girls may already have had it!!
Apparently I also need to write 10 honest things about myself! Here goes ........
1. I have just returned from a caravan holiday in Devon with the family and I loved it!
2. I really want to start scrapbooking but not had the courage to actually do it.
3. I need to get back on the wagon and back dieting it starts tomorrow!
4. I enjoy loadsa American imported tv like Bones, Desperate Housewives and House.
5. I am trying to save money and am an avid follower of the thrifty gifty money making thread on MSE http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=1678781
6. I feel really blessed as I have a fantastic family and I love them loads
7. I don't really like having my photo taken and it was a big deal to get a profile pic on Facebook
8. I love pigs as I used to spend my weekends with them at the farm unit my school had
9. I hate ironing but have done more this year than in the rest of my life as have given up on the tumble drier (after it gave up on us!)
10. I am addicted to crafty bits and need to add some pics to this blog.... I WILL TRY HARDER!