On Friday 6th November I was fortunate enough to go to this show in Birmingham. I went in March and met up with 5 other crafty chums that I only knew from an online forum. This time 12 of us braved public transport and motorways as we travelled on our mega 'blind date'.
My first encounter was with 'Popkins' who lives about half an hour away from me and had bravely offered to share her car with me for the 2+ hour journey!!

It was a real pleasure to get to know you Popkins and I really hope we get to meet up again and hopefully spend some time crafting together if you are courageous enough to spend any more time with me of course!! Also Popkins and I were in a competition to see who could spend the most money! Although the exact amounts are not confirmed I was scared by how much I managed to spend! Next time I am gonna bring a trendy trolley like hers as my shoulders (and the rest of me!) were strill acheing on Saturday.
There was so much to see in the exhibitions, it was like all my crafting dreams came true at once! Though I did find it a bit manic at times and a bit overwhelming!

The cards are just one stall that was selling Penny Black stamps and I couldn't resist taking a photo as they were stunning!