I recently read Ruth's
blog posts regarding some of the difficulties and lows she has been through recently. I was so grateful to her for sharing not just because it made me feel better about my life, or even that it made me think. Overwhelmingly it made me realise I AM NOT ALONE!
I know I am not the only one who has low points, sometimes bursting into tears... that was Monday afternoon! Sometimes my tummy is so squirmy and my mind so unfocused I cannot concentrate on the activities of daily living (had to escape work yesterday!) let alone do something amazing and creative like crafting!!! Note the lack of MOJO today!!! (Set myself the job of making 3 cards today but have made ZERO!!)
So I decided it was a really important thing personally, to blog about some of the more difficult times for me too. I find writing here so helpful and it may just help me to write some other stuff down too! Last March when my husband's contract finished and he was looking for more work, I didn't really talk about it much, just a few people knew. After 4 months he started another contract but this only lasted 4 months and now it has been 3 months again and we are still hoping for another job. He is really sensible and saves for periods like this but this financial year has been tough and some days are worse than others.
Sometimes it is the silly things isn't it??
At work on Monday everyone was stressed there was yet more talk about the PCT being over budget and the clinic needing to make yet more cuts. I feel my job may be threatened as I am a specialist and therefore on one of the higher pay bands (though I am only part time and it is still only a nurse's salary!) It really made me worry and I got rather overwrought and cried and couldn't sleep properly and felt just as miserable at work on Tuesday (so glad that I have a day off today!) Too many politics at the moment!
I really do appreciate that there are so many other things going on in the world and others are suffering in the aftermath of disasters that I cannot even imangine. I have a wonderful family and a really happy and healthy life with them BUT I also have low times, we all do, I am not alone and neither are you either.
Thanks for reading my blog your comments make me smile and I read them all, other things make me smile and this year I hope to capture some of them to remember them. Like this photo 59/365

another Jammy day for DS
with the cat

the last piece of cake... it didn't last long! thank goodness for cake! I have really enjoyed this cake this week, but I am slightly nervous re tomorrows weigh in as I was not in the mood for healthy eating this week. Also I have to confess that I put 1lb on last week as I had eaten out courtesy of my parents and a work meeting (plus some chocolate during half term!!!). But that is another story!