Guess where we spent New Year's Eve????
I hope this letter finds you well and hopefully still here, watching and waiting for me to write to you! The festive season was busy and I gave up on lots of things including making cards, making Christmas Eve gifts, sending cards, JYC and of course blogging! But forgoing these things made me enjoy other more important moments and some things are just 'on the back burner'. I started JYC and I think I could continue it in Feb!! (Better late than never is a great motto!)
I may be writing this to an imanginary audience. I like to think you may be out there still but I don't blame you if you have run off to follow one of the many decent blogs that contain witty posts on a daily basis! I have purposely not been blogging and haven't even been following or even commenting as much as usual. The reason.... I am meant to be working really hard on coursework for University. I am at the very end of my Non Medical Prescribing course which means I will be able to write presciptions for patients in the same way a Doctor can. It is quite a full on course and I have all my written assignments to finish and hand into Uni in a massive 'profile' on Jan 31st.
So life for me will begin again on February 1st! I am going to plan a social life, get back to blogging and crafting (I am missing it loads!) and work on my phrase for 2011. One little word wasn't enough for me...
just after 00:00 on 01/01/11 my 9 year old son suggested we all wrote our New Years Resolutions on a piece of paper, put them in a pot, pull one out each and try and guess who wrote it. Mine simply said 'sort out work' ( I have all the little torn pieces of paper with our handwriting on and I plan to incorporate them into a layout to celebrate new year). I pondered on what I had written and realised there are numerous aspects of my my life/work/home/stash/crafting/blog etc etc that could do with a 'sort out' so I adopted this as my mantra for 2011
just after 00:00 on 01/01/11 my 9 year old son suggested we all wrote our New Years Resolutions on a piece of paper, put them in a pot, pull one out each and try and guess who wrote it. Mine simply said 'sort out work' ( I have all the little torn pieces of paper with our handwriting on and I plan to incorporate them into a layout to celebrate new year). I pondered on what I had written and realised there are numerous aspects of my my life/work/home/stash/crafting/blog etc etc that could do with a 'sort out' so I adopted this as my mantra for 2011
sort out
vb (tr, adverb)

1. to find a solution to (a problem, etc.), esp to make clear or tidy it took a long time to sort out the mess
2. to take or separate, as from a larger group he sorted out the most likely ones
3. to organize into an orderly and disciplined group
4. Informal to beat or punish
I think I have plenty of scope for a variety of achievements throughout 2011 and plan to keep you up to date with how I am doing as the year progresses. I hope we see each other lots throughout 2011 ... Happy new year to you all
Cheers xxx