Thinking of you today Marti, Deb and family on this special celebration xxx
better late than never! to see more peoples days pop over here xxx
I would also like to do the folowing 6 things and may even document how it goes in blog posts:-
Thank you so much for visiting my humble blog amongst all these completely, amazingly awesome blogs. I can't wait to get hopping through them all myself. Please head off to Donna's blog at Creating Room , this is a new blog to me and one I hope to visit more frequently in the future.
Todays post was brought to you by the number...
1. Family film time we all get together and try and decide on a film to watch, this may be free if we watch something on TV (or recorded from TV) or one of th DVD's. We may watch something hired from a shop or online. The children always ask for some sweets and we still have several left over from Christmas and there will be more arriving for Easter I suspect!
2. Jammy Day this is always popular in my house! Basically you stay in your PJ's all day so it is all about relaxing and not having to go anywhere! We can get up late and just hang out together without any commitments or rushing around. i couldn't do this one repeatedly but it is fun and I loved the day we had in the February holidays when we combined Jammy Day with Family Film Time. The kids and I managed to watch 3 films together! It was great just spending the whole day with them and noone else... not sure what hubby thought when he came home and it looked the same as when he left!! This is obviously free!
3. A Walk we often arrange to meet up with friends and go for a walk somewhere. Generally I send a text to lots of people suggesting a time and a place so the children meet up with their friends and I can catch up with some parent pals. When we are with others, I don't have any problem persuading the kids to go on a walk and they are so easily entertained. We are lucky and live near several large green areas that ca be accessesed for free, although sometimes we will visit National Trust properties/grounds or go further afield where there may be parking and/or entrance fees. In the good weather a picnic is compulsory and generally means we can spend the whole day out.
4. Games if we are on our own or the children are just not keen to walk we will do a game outside. This may take the form of a quest, where I might set different challenges or a treasure hunt where different objects have to be found along the way (eg a smooth stone, a 'Y' shaped twig etc etc). Often a ball is enough to keep my son amused, alternatively climbing a tree or finding the biggest branch to carry all work just as well! At home I have been known to set up an obstacle course with water features or a paddling pool filled with foam with hidden items inside, though this is weather dependant usually.
If 'the weather outside is frightful' we have been known to take part in a games event indoors. Each player chooses 2 'games', the four of us play all the games and work out the winner and add up the number of wins after the 8 events, we even gave a fake cup away one time!! These games vary so for example it can be a short game on a games console or computer, a board game, a puzzle (timed) really what suits the family.
This is just a small insight into some of our family activities, I would love to know what you do to keep your children amused in the holidays.
I enjoyed watching some relationships develop, whilst others fall apart, as secrets from the past are revealed. There is a twist in the tale, that I managed to forsee, but nevertheless it made a great story. Completely different from the TTW and in my opinion not in the same league, it is nevertheless a well written and enjoyable book, which I would still recommend. What are you reading and have you read this book???
My other regular blog post is IDIC's weekly card challenge on Sundays. I am on the DT so make a regular card and share the latest challenge and hope some of my readers might enter!
A new venture for me is