Welcome to my blog, I hope you are enjoying the celebrations as we play pass the page in honour of Julie's 2 year blog birthday!! Hurrah!!
Congratulations on blogging for 2 years Julie and thank you so much for inviting me to take part as I really, really enjoyed it and I hope all the people watching and hopping today will have fun. I for one can't wait to see how the page started out and what it looks like now as it has completed it's journey.
Everyone taking part today got together at a wonderful bloggers weekend back in March (except Jo who was poorly and missed by us all) for a reminder of the original participants......
The list for those joining in today is..............
Julie jsquaredscrapspot.wordpress.com
Alison alisonslife-in-the-slow-lane.blogspot.com
Fay beautifullilysramblings.blogspot.com
Ruth chattycraftyartypig.blogspot.com
Jemma just-jimjams.blogspot.co.uk
Miss Smith journalofcuriousthings.co.uk
K www.kscraftycorner.blogspot.com
Missus Wookie mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.co.uk
Sandie itchifingers.blogspot.com
Mel www.ispeakmelsh.co.uk
Alexa simplyalexa.typepad.com/trimmingthesails
Jo curlyscrapbooker.blogspot.co.uk
Jacky scrappyjackylive.blogspot.com
Hopefully you have come here via Fay's blog. I met Fay for the first time in March in 'real' life and got to see her fabulous scrapbook pages in the flesh (or is it in the paper??). I really love her style and admired all that I saw. Fay is very talented and very creative making many of her own embellishments as showcased on the recent UKS bloghop (Fay is a teamie over at UKS).
Anyway, I was dead chuffed to be following her on the blog hop and this is the page I received....
I loved the page!! I looked and saw she had used grid paper with a 'messy stack' under a single portrait photo. The main colours were pink and grey but there was also brown, green and orange. There are lots of words in 3 different areas including the journalling which is all handwritten. All the papers are patterned and at least one has been cut with a border punch. There is Fay's trademark swirly twine and some gorgeous embellishments (hearts, flowers, stars and banner shapes).
As many of you are aware I am loving scrapping photographs taken at the Harry Potter Studio Tour and decided to use one of my son on the bridge. I kept fairly close to Fay's original page but changed the colour scheme making it more brown green and orange as the pink and grey didn't go with my picture. Normally I wouldn't probably use all patterned papers but I did for this page and rather like it, I also used twine though I kept it straight to reflect the horizontal lines in the original..

I loved the page I made so was really happy to have scraplifted Fay and it also meant I didn't feel too embarrassed passing a page onto the uber scrapper
Jemma (Jemma is the equivalent to scrapping Royalty and I was totally in awe when I met her for the first time in 2011 as I had been following her blog and gazing adoringly at so many of her LO's! Luckily we made firm friends and she took me under her wing as I needed a lift both from the station and up from my low levels of confidence in my scrapping abillity!!)
So please follow the page as it passes to
Jemma and I will be following it with you!