Sunday 12 December 2010

Super Stressy

I have been feeling a bit down.......

so what has made me feel a bit better? Some really supportive friends and family, some who just knew from my status on FB that something was going on. I have had some 'virtual' counselling, some kind words and some brilliant texts.
Also I went out the house yesterday (though I didn't want to, I had to drop DD at a sleepover) and I saw a friend I hadn't seen for ages and we just chatted over a cuppa tea about things generally which stopped me worrying on my own!

I discovered I had won some candy in the Polkadoodles blog hop as someone hadn't claimed it, they picked another name and it was mine! Will look forward to it arriving though I have been unlucky with blog candy and have never received some in the past.... I also still haven't posted out the prizes to K and Mel from the blog hop, I have been really bad so I apologise and promise it will be sent asap!

Today I went to the Christingle service at Church with the children, I have never been to one before but have always liked the sound of the service and the symbolism. Also the gorgeous Jo talked about it on her blog here so I was inspired to go and it was totally worth it! A really family friendly service that we all felt part of and afterwards there was tea and cakes!

The good news is that I finish work on December 23rd and don't go back until January 6 so I will have some amazing time with the family hopefully celebrating the festive season. Also I passed my numeracy exam, sat the pharmacology exam and have until 31st Jan to get all my uni work in...... it will all work out in the end I'm sure!

(Yes I have just majorly edited this post as I decided I didn't want to record some of my feelings etc on my blog so if you are re reading it you are not as mad as you may have thought!!!)


  1. I think there is something about this time of year that can really intensify feelings, whether they are good or bad; so I'm hoping that the panicky feeling subsides soon and that Christmas Day itself will be a good one x

  2. Try to keep it in proportion - I am Miss Practical but you need a mental (or an actual) 'To Worry' list - some things are worth worrying about - others..well..aren't! So tick them off. If you can do something about anything - do it and tick that off too. There will still be things to worry about, but I bet the list is shorter

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been feeling down xx Sometimes letting go with a good cry can make such a difference, I hope you find that to be the case. It isn't long now till you get that time off, hang on to that thought!

  4. Hope you're feeling more positive today....but better to let it out, than bottle it up.

  5. Hope you are feeling more like yourself soon :)

  6. aww poor furball, hope you are feeling better about everything soon! drop me a line whenever you need to xx

  7. Bless you missus, I too am a worrier so understand how you may be feeling. Try to focus on the good rather than the not so good. Sending big hugs your way xxx

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