Thursday 2 December 2010

Journal your Christmas day 2

Todays prompt from Shimelle is about the weather, perfect timing for all the snow that has blown into the UK in the past few days and is currently settling in Surrey. I loved Shimelle's page with the heading 'the weather outside is frightful' as this describes what was happening here last night! Bit this is about today....
I awoke this morning when DS jumped into bed with me promptly followed by a text from his school announcing it's closure for the next 2 days... it was 06.15!! Too early, but I couldn't sleep. Looking out the window there had easily been 30cm of snow overnight, the Close looked beautiful.
I started sending and receiving texts regarding work, who could get in? Was the clinic open? What was the plan? In the end I decided, as someone within walking distance, I should just head in.. on foot. There were actually several cars on the road (not sure if I would have got my car out!) and there were a few of us pedestrians braving the elements. It was lightly snowing, bright white snow lay all around and crunched underfoot and the day felt fresh and shiny. I enjoyed seeing all the local landmarks that I usually just whizz past in the car, adorned in all their snowy glory. I didn't take the camera with me but did snap a couple of pics on my camera phone which I will download/upload at some point.
I did manage to take some photographs at home before I set out, before all the virgin snow was spoilt by cats and children playing in it!
The view from the back door

The view from the front door

This was the house this morning before I left

Tomorrow is another day and I will see how the conditions are in the morning and might even attempt to drive into work... watch this space!

How is the weather where you are? I really look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the photographs about 'non cold' Christmas weather. It is completely alien to me having always been in the UK for the festivities. See you on a blog near you soon xxx


  1. We've had over a foot of looks so beautifully....but everything just grinds to a halt!! least I've had a couple of days off to craft and bake.

  2. It looks so nice, we have had over a foot too! Snow days make great craft days!

  3. Hi Ruth, tons of snow here too! havent left the house in days! Very impressed you're doing the JYC - I had contemplated it but was too scared as would'nt know where to begin as STILL haven't done any scrapbooking!! and I guess its too late now anyways!! ah well maybe next year (famous last words haha!) Loving the snowy photos (have taken some myself) but just wish I could get out of my road!! take care x

  4. We finally got a little bit of snow this afternoon - but then the rain came on and it is disappearing!
