Sunday 8 July 2012

Organisation Celebration at Jennifer's Jumbles

Over at Jennifer's Jumbles last weekend Organisation Celebration was happening.  Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to view most of the posts until this week and I even got the answer to the blog hop wrong as I did it too quickly lol!
There were so many interesting posts and I picked up lots of cool ideas including these:-

  • cooking 
    • I need to use my slow cooker more
    • I must think about quick go to meals for when I am short of time
    • there is nothing wrong with a take away!
  • blogging
    • I need to plan (say no more!)
  • positive planning
    • I answered all the questions and have a few areas to look at
  • how to use
    • I have a Fiskars shape cutter and templates unused and unloved how do I use it???
  • use more scraps
    • This brings me nicely to Jennifer's sketch

I am a huge sketch fan as you probably already know, so I had to use this one as well as using my scraps and I completed another page from the pile of Antigua photos

the picture isn't great as it has been so dark here but everything on the LO is from my scraps pile.  The little green piece that says Love it is from the edge border that gets cut from co-ordinations card stock and the green journalling is from the same source.  Nothing wasted here!

Thanks Jennifer for all the hard work you put into last weekend.  I am looking forward to the next one already.


  1. Your layout turned out great - I enjoyed all of Jennifer's organization posts, too!

  2. Love the LO...I should try to catch up on the organisation posts!
    Alison xx

  3. Your layout looks fantastic! Thanks so much for joining in with the challenge. I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend, and it's good to know you've been answering the positive planning q's too!

    If you want to use your fiskars shape cutter more, my advice would be to sit and cut a ton of shapes all at once. You could think of a project before hand eg. make a bulk for Christmas cards, or cut shapes for a particular mini-book, or you could just cut a bunch of shapes that 'might' come in handy. Cutting lots at once means you get into a rhythm and it doesn't seem so hard. Plus you only have to get it all out and put it all away once!

    Hope that helps! x

  4. Your layout turned out great. Kinda brings drama to the sketch. I agree, the weekend was great fun.

  5. I love what you did with the sketch! The colors are perfect - I never think to use a white background.

  6. I agree about the drama you have added to the sketch - it has a "bare bones" look to it that I love.

    Slow cooker? I love mine - definitely the scrapbooker's secret weapon!

  7. That's a very pretty page - the greens really enhance your photo. Golly, I did have a slow cooker somewhere ... Must look it out!

  8. Hello Beautiful Lady! I could do with some help on the organisation front myself - my craft room might have been in order for Jennifer's Class, but the rest of my life is chaos! I'm so woefully behind on blog-reading and friend checking-in-ness. It's a word! :)

    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog today - I'm so glad that there'll be a stitching novice joining in. It'll be a real test of my tutorials!

    I stopped by UKS earlier too - I must have heard you 'calling me' - because I went there before I got your comment. The ruffles and I have very much missed you too! xxx
