Sunday 3 July 2011

Story Telling Sunday

Welcome to my third time taking part in the epic adventure that is Story Telling Sunday courtesy of the now legendary Story Teller herself Sian from High in the Sky. Visit her amazing blog to discover the other eloquent tales that await your perusal.

Today's story is true, heartfelt and is written with tears and love, so you may want to skip this tale today, as it is not a funny one this month!

I have been spending a great deal of time thinking of someone special to me recently, they are without doubt one of the major influences in my life, and always have been. He has always been there for me and growing up he was a great role model of how a real man should be in every sense of the word. I particularly admired his self control, rarely shouting, remaining calm when I had done something outrageous and naughty (yet again!) and obviously having a real sense of love and family loyalty. I remember being totally shocked to see him cry when his best friend had passed away.

A few years ago, whilst on holiday, he had a massive heart attack completely out of the blue. He is pretty fit as he doesn't drive and walks everywhere, has never smoked, is a minimal drinker and has a healthy lifestyle generally. Unfortunately you cannot change your genetic make up. He was given a 20% chance of surviving a year and we were all shocked and stunned as his heart was too badly damaged for bypass surgery to even help. He is a survivor and nearly 5 years later he is still with us and still very active especially in his massive garden.

This special person is my Dad, I saw him in June and we took him and mum out for lunch to celebrate fathers day and my mums upcoming birthday. In the end the meal for 6 became a meal for 14 which was perfect! My dad usually cooks Sunday lunch so it was good for him to have the day off and enjoy the company without all the work.

On my mum's birthday, my dad had a colonoscopy following an abnormal result on a screening test. They found a tumour, which is believed to be malignant, biopsies were taken. He is having a CT scan on Tuesday and seeing the consultant on Wednesday. Yet again my world has been shaken and their is so much uncertainty and waiting.

My parents are both Christians and have tirelessly supported their local Baptist Church despite the numbers decreasing and not having a minister, over many years. I attended their Church, when I was last home and my Dad was preaching, lowering the average age of the congregation by about 30 years!!! I love to listen to him especially if he shares stories of his childhood to illustrate a point. Their faith is really really important to them and my Dad knows for sure where he is going and is calmly facing whatever the futures holds. I rarely go to church now, though I do still believe, but sometimes I get angry that such a good man has to suffer in this way, and it is really tough on my Mum who has her own health problems to deal with.

My immediate family know, but I have only really told one friend, I haven't wanted to speak about it with anyone else. But I think it is good to share it with you, when I heard the news I actually wanted to contact one particular blog writer as I knew she had been through a similar experience and I keep thinking of her, she may read this and I hope she will know I empathise with her. I hope I can be supportive to my parents as she has been as I really admire what she has achieved. I hope you know who you are. I am grateful to blog friends, sharing stories and experiences with them, even the more difficult ones.

Thank you xxx


  1. (((big hugs))) darlin', I hope all goes well on tuesday. you know where I am if you need to off load or just chat about other things xxxx

  2. First of all I want to say that I am moved and delighted that you felt you were able to offer up your story today in the sure knowledge that everyone will offer you their support and very best wishes.

    Then of course I want to pass on my own wishes to you and yours, I'll be thinking of you this week. You can be sure of that.

    Thank you for sharing with us today x

  3. Wow! I am sending you some healing thoughts and prayers. Both my parents have passed now so I do feel for you. What a lovely daughter you are.

  4. I lost my dad to heart failure and my mum to cancer so my heart reaches out to you in more ways than you can imagine. Your parents will find much comfort in their faith and I know that you will lovingly support them whatever the future may hold. My thoughts are with you.

  5. Best wishes. Dads are so special.

  6. It's good for the soul to share good and not so good news with others. Thankyou for feeling able to share today and hope that you contine to stay strong for your family.

  7. It's so, so hard when a parent is seriously ill, but I do know from experience that faith is a great help.
    I'm sending you my love and hugs and will be including you and your parents in my prayers.

  8. My heart goes out to you - thank you for sharing this story - I find blog friends so supportive and it really helps me to write things down. My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.

  9. Oh no, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. My thoughts will be with you and I send you my love and very best wishes. I never imagined that others best wishes would comfort so much but it does. xxx Jen

  10. Thank you for sharing your story...your dad sounds like a wonderful person....and now you will know that all our positive thoughts are being sent to him and you.

  11. What a brave post....I'm glad to hear your mum and dad have their faith and I pray that it will help you all through this. I know how difficult it is to hold on to your faith sometimes, but in my mind, it is often the only thing that keeps me afloat. My thoughts and prayers will be with you this week
    Alison xx

  12. I am so happy that you felt comfortable enough to share here. Your dad sounds like a wonderful person who has already survived the odds against him. Know that positive healing thoughts are being sent your way.

  13. i can empathise to some extent with ur experiences as my dad had major heart surgery several years ago and then 10 years ago my mum rang me one evening saying he had come into the house saying his stomach hurt and his stomach was growing in size. i told her to call the dr and he was taken straight into hospital. within 2 days he was in itu having had a small bowel tumour perforate and he stayed there for a month. he has been taking a medication for this which is only supposed to help keep people with this type of tumour alive for 5 years but he is still here. this tuesday he goes to see the consultant again for his followup. my parents too are christians and sometimes as a family we wonder what is going on however we all know that God is with us through the good and tough times and we have seen prayers answered. i hope that your dad gets positive news this weeek. my prayers are with you all,
    jo xxx

  14. I am as moved by your account this month as I was by the one I read recently - incredibly hard to talk about, but hopefully cathartic to write about. My thoughts are with you - and your family.

  15. I hope that writing your story was helpful and comforting to you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thanks for sharing. (and stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!)

  16. A very tough post for you to write, but hopefully getting all 'down on paper' as it were will help you. You can be sure that I'll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way xx

  17. Having as much support around you as possible is very important, thank you for sharing this story ... send many prayers and best wishes to you all. xx

  18. It's not easy watching our parents go through these things. It's okay to have these feelings, what is important is just what you are doing, and that is to talk about it. When my MIL was ill I had to talk about it with others as my mind was always with her. It helped... I am sending you lots of positive thoughts :) take care of yourself as well.

  19. Although very fortunate you are, unlucky also. Who is to say what our furture has to hold. I am scared every day.My Dad passed 10 years ago. Diagnosed with Lung Cancer and 7 weeks later was gone.Lucky for him to suffer little. My grandmother had esophical cancer and was cured for 10 years got colon cancer and died after surgery of Congestive heart failure. Other Grandpa had Multiple Sculorsis. Other Grandma stomach cancer uncle lung cancer, boy am I scared.Everyone says live without worry. I almost feel doomed. I hope all goes well with your Dad and your Mom. Strength and love sent your way

  20. Thank you for sharing, I think it helps to get it off your chest. My prayers are with your and your family.

  21. a tough post for you to write...thinking of you and your family xx

  22. Thank you for sharing this post, I too will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  23. Oh hon, thinking of you and your family xx Thank you for sharing it with us, do please let us know how things go, we'll be remembering you all in our prayers xx

  24. Very moved to read your 'story' this month, and am thinking of you... I can see how you so admire your Dad's courage and calmness in the face of such events, and how he is so special to you. Continuing to hold you all in my thoughts ...

  25. Oh, so sorry to hear this. Here's wishing you well.

  26. What a bittersweet post. You've managed to wrap your grief and pain in both fond memories and hope and faith for the future. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
