Monday 11 October 2010

An autumnal walk

Yesterday in Surrey it was like a summers day, it was beautiful, the sun was shining and the sky was blue. So we went out for a local walk at Newlands Corner. It has great views across the North Downs with wide open spaces and woodland areas, great for climbing trees, exploring and getting into the countryside

I am sure I have featured numerous photographs taken here as it's a convenient place to escape from the madness and so many spots are fantastic for photos. Yesterday both the children had moments of camera shyness, this usually only affects DD age 12
but DS was also hiding!

I did manage to get this one of DD making a face as she was fed up of me snapping away

and later with DS he kept running around or putting his hand in front of the lens but I managed to get this cute one of him and his long hair!

I think taking photographs of flora is easier than the human fauna!! Will show some of these another day.
So pleased I have managed to post everyday so far in October as inspired by Blogtoberfest!

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