Sunday 10 January 2010

Last lazy day

The snowy weather has definitely made me want to curl up in front of the fire, snuggle under a blanket, often joined by the cat, watching films with the family and eating chocolate! Needless to say this is exactly what I have been doing. So todays photograph 10/365 is to remind me...

I know it is a really dark photograph and to most people it will look like a mistake or poor shot, but we tend to sit with the light off or turned down low and this is how the fireplace appears. It isn't a real fire just a gas one but I we love it anyway!

I just couldn't resist this picture of Tinker looking over the top of the sofa as he keeps us company, laid across the top of a sofa cushion! Not far from the fire of course!

The children's schools are reopening tomorrow and they are both going in wearing Mufti. We will finally be getting back into a routine and I will be working, which might mean I don't eat as many chocolates!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute cat! :-) We were back at school today - oh boy, did I need to get the kids out the house lol!!
